Villa holiday rental » sun601 - Junta » Secure online booking form
sun601 - Junta

Secure online booking form

Property : sun601 - Junta

Dear Sir/Madam,

You are now in the secure area of our site. All the information you enter on the next page will be encrypted and secure. Your booking request form will be sent to a dedicated mailbox opened only by a person authorized from the agency.

Part 1/2: Personal Information

There are two possible means of payment for your deposit payment:

I will receive an ultra-secure single-use text message payment link (from Villas du Monde and issued by Crédit Agricole) on the mobile phone number entered in my reservation. All I have to do is open this link to validate my payment.


Payment CB: A payment sms in 3DSECURE will be sent to you only if your reservation is confirmed with the owner. Your CB information on page 2 remains encrypted and is not used. You indicate them for the deposits to be paid in order to exempt you from providing the obligatory and variable guarantee on arrival in your place of vacations. Exceptionally, and you will be notified in advance by e-mail or sms, they may be used to debit the requested deposit if Credit Agricole's 3D secure system does not work.

For balances, all types of payment are accepted at your request: cheques, vacation vouchers, bank transfer.

Privacy: The personal data you enter on this form are strictly reserved to Villas du Monde for the smooth running of your stay. They are not disclosed to any commercial or other organization. You may at any time correct or delete your data and access it.

Within 48 hours maximum after your reservation, we will send you the final contract of your booking by email to the email address you have indicated. Note that within this delay your booking request is considered firm and final.

This contract will specify the sums you have paid, the amounts still to be paid and any supplements to be paid on the spot, in accordance with the indications on the "villa description" that you have reserved. At each payment a new adjusted contract will be sent to you. Check your spam, the email server sending contracts is "no reply".

We are available to discuss your reservation on 00 33 1 44 37 48 58 for the UK and English speaking clients or 0800 800 565 for France, Belgium and Switzerland.